A compilation of stories we didn’t want to write
This book project is a compilation of short stories written by the 2016, 5A Band 1 class. These are short stories that we did not really want to write, as the title of the compilation indicates.The idea arose after much practice in writing short stories as part of our preparations for the final year exam. The compilation is the tangible product of our learning after three years in Studio 7 at the Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School.

English Class

Stories by Fifth Formers
This project could not have been successful without our teacher who gave us guidance and taught us the skills to produce quality work. Also, each student played important roles, such as sharing ideas with peers, editing their peer’s writing, and refining their own stories after feedback, which made our vision successful.

Each school year, our teacher, Director of Studio 7, Ms. Maris Edwards, gave us a project that stretched us and nudged us out of our teenage comfort zone. In our third year of high school, we had to execute a Human Rights Symposium and publicly speak out on social issues in our community and around the world. This opened our eyes. In fourth form, we had to plan, raise funds for, execute and participate in a uri, an Ibo wedding reception that celebrated the settlement of the bride price. This activity deepened our appreciation of the novel we were studying: ‘Things Fall Apart’ by Chinua Achebe. This project and the discussions involved in the study of the text also changed our perspective on Africa and its presentation in the media. Our hearts grew larger.
Now, our final real-life project represents the culmination of five years of high school English A and B. We are telling stories about life from our teenage perspectives. This is a project that we are proud of, our own published book: ‘Chapter 5 : A compilation of short stories we didn’t want to write’.

English Project – Uri, An Ibo Wedding

English Project – Uri, An Ibo Wedding
This is awesome work Ms. Edwards. My order is in for a copy of the your book. I would like to encourage others as well to buy the book written by this class. Kudos to you Shellecia for sharing this fantastic piece.
I love this!
Yes. It is fantastic. Looking forward to reading their stories.