Joint Summer Camp
Friday July 27th marked the culmination of the annual Joint Summer Camp 2018 organized by Anguilla’s Community Centres. This annual camp which commenced on Monday 23rd July 2018 took place daily from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Sandy Ground ball field. The camp was held under the theme “Centre Olympics.” Some 50 children and young people between the ages of 5 to 18 were engaged in sporting activities such as; obstacle races, cricket, football, track and field, tug of war and other sports related activities.
Participants came from all six Community Centres for Summer Camp
Joint Summer Camp brings together children and young people from across the island in one place. It creates opportunities for fostering closer relationships. Participants were from all 6 community centres across Anguilla; the West End and Blowing Point Community Development Centres, the Eleos Centre at Sandy Ground, HOPE Centre at East End and the Care Centres of Island Harbour and Pond Ground.
Team names at Summer Camp were prominent Anguillian Athletes
Participants were placed into three team. Each team took on the name of one of Anguilla’s most prominent athletes in recent years. Team white represented Zharnel Hughes, Team Orange represented Shara Proctor and Team Turquoise represented Omari Banks. Throughout the week, participants were able to earn their team points through their participation. At the end of the week, Team Zharnel Hughes emerged the winners.
Parents joined students for Final Day for a Fun Day
On the final day, parents and siblings accompanied participants for a Fun Day. Activities included inflatable/bouncy castles, ball games, skipping and Tug of War. Mrs. Jocelyne Mills; Programme Officer – Youth, of the Department of Youth & Culture gave short remarks. The announcement of the final scores also formed part of the short closing ceremony. Tokens of achievement for 1st 2nd and 3rd place were presented to all three teams. Culinary delights prepared by staff and helpers included barbecue chicken and fish, fried Johnny cakes, hot dogs, bread pudding, fruits and juice. Tropical Treats was also on hand to serve everyone with ice cream.

Joint Summer Camp
Centre Managers Expressed Thanks to its Partners
The Centre Managers of Anguilla’s Community Centres, wish to express sincere gratitude to the Department of Youth and Culture for their continued support to the Annual Joint Summer Camp Programme. Special thanks to the Department of Sports and the coaches for their invaluable contribution in planning and executing this year’s Joint Summer Camp and for making it the success that is was. Special thanks to the Department of Education for always facilitating the use of the school bus. Thanks also to Tropical Distributors for their generous contribution of water throughout the week and to JAY & J’S catering for daily snacks. The Centre Managers are also grateful to have had the support of helpers from the Job Link Up programme as well as individuals from each community who provided additional supervision for the children.
Enroll your student in an afterschool programme at at Centre in your area
We take this opportunity to invite parents interested in enrolling their children into our afterschool programme to visit or call a centre in your area to register for the new school year 2018-2019.
Registration commences Monday August 27th 2018 and Centre Managers can be reached as follows:
Ms. Kerniel Chung – West End Community Centre – 729-6457
Ms. Jay Browne – Pond Ground Care Centre – 581-5147
Ms. Josette Duncan – Hope Centre East End – 582-2773
Ms. Angelina Carty – Eleos Centre Sandy Ground – 729-4794
Ms. Jemima Romney – Blowing Point Centre – 584-2860
Ms. Kareen Harrigan – Island Harbour Care Centre- 729-2356
Do you want to read more about the work of the Department of Youth and Culture? See blog posts below.
DYC Youth Escape July Camps a Success
Nominations Open for National Youth Awards