Anguilla Teacher of the Year Award Ceremony
I attended the first Teacher of the Year award ceremony on November 09th, 2013. Sherise and I were there as proud daughters to witness our mom receive the first award for Teacher of the Year for Morris Vanterpool Primary School. My mom is truly an awesome teacher and I want to congratulate her on this achievement.
My mom and three of her sisters are all teachers and/or deputy principals. One of my aunts is now a speech pathologist with the primary schools. They have each been in the teaching profession for over 25 years. They are wonderful, committed teachers with a passion for the development and success of their students and I am proud of each of them.
The Teacher of the Year award ceremony was held at Flavours restaurant, La Vue, Anguilla. It was a formal event which included a three course dinner. The restaurant was filled to capacity with officials, teachers and supporters. I sat at a table with Sherise and Nashaine. At the table was also my good friend Teacher Shauna along with her brother and his wife. They came to support their mother who received a Hall of Fame award. Mrs. Anita Ruan and Mrs. Doreen Richardson, my guidance counselor and physical education (games teacher) when I was in secondary school was also seated at our table.
The Teachers who received the Teacher of the Year award are below. They were all given gift packages which included a Tablet, dinner vouchers, lunch vouchers and an overnight stay at a hotel or villa. I would like to say thanks to all those in the private and public sector that sponsored a prize or made a donation. Special thanks to the Ministry of Education and the Anguilla Teacher’s Union. You made it possible for these teachers to be publicly recognized through an event such as this.
Teacher of the year awards
1) Tr. Wreneth Brooks (mom) – Morris Vanterpool Primary School
2) Tr. Brittany Jeffers – Alwyn Alison Richardson Primary School
3) Tr. Shauna Connor – Adrian T Hazell Primary School
4) Tr. Lorelle Cockburn – Valley Primary School
5) Tr.Estelle Carty Carter – Vivien Vanterpool Primary School
6) Tr. Ayisha Olivacee – Orelia Kelly Primary School
7) Tr. Rita Celestine Carty – Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive School (My favourite teacher when I was in high school)

Some wonderful teachers including Ms. Rita Celestine Carty, Teacher of the Year, ALHCS (middle in black and white)
In addition to the Teacher of the Year awards, there were two other categories where teachers were recogised. The first one was the early movers award. Two preschool teachers were given this award.
Early Movers Award
1) Tr. Heather Richardson (my pre-school teacher at the awesome Woodbine preschool, who along with Tr. Daisy gave me a rock solid academic foundation
2) Tr. Londrina Hughes
The other award category was called Hall of Fame. This category included four persons who have retired but who made an indelible contribution to education and to their students during their tenure.
Hall of Fame Awards
1) Mr. Rodney Rey (who was a wonderful principal while I was at the ALHCS)
2) Tr. Alison Hughes ( who Shauna and I agreed is not ageing at all)
3) Mrs. Marilyn Richardson (Shauna’s mom)
4) Mr. Darwin Hazell (Thanks Mr. Hazell as I managed to pass chemistry)
I am sure if you passed through the education system in Anguilla, at least one of these teachers would have left a positive mark on you.
All in all, it was a fun evening. After all the formalities, the DJ turned up the music and the lights were turned down and the partying began. Here are great shots of Tr. Eva and of Tr. Colin. Tr. Colin looks like he is having a great time.
I tip my hands to all teachers for your hard work, sacrifice, care, and for making miracles happen when you have limited resources. You truly are one of the most important pillars of our society.
Congratulations to all teachers!