Student Councils teach leadership skills and provide an organised avenue for students to share ideas, interests and concerns with the school-wide community. The Department of Youth and Culture continues to play an integral role in facilitating the success of student councils at all levels of education.
The Director of the Department of Youth and Culture – Mr. Bren Romney, conducted a training session for the Executive Body of the Student Council of the Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive School. This training, hosted by the Anguilla National Youth Council (ANYC), was held on Friday 12th April, 2019 at the Rhum Room in Zemi Beach Hotel from 8:30am to 4:00pm.
The Training focused on the following areas:
1. The Purpose and Responsibilities
2. The Representation Model
3. The Executive model
4. The Election Process
5. The Administrative Model/Processes
The Director and Staff of the Department of Youth and Culture would like to congratulate the Executive Members of the Student Council Body for the period 2019 – 2022.
The members
Tyeisha Emmanuel – President
Damari Gumbs – 1st Vice President
Sekani Reid – 2nd Vice President
Nandi Edwards – Secretary
Deleon Hughes – Treasurer
Amelia Olivacce – Public Relations Officer/ Parliamentarian
Eight (8) Classroom Representatives

The Department of Youth and Culture and the Anguilla National Youth Council (ANYC) remains committed to supporting the Student Councils in Anguilla. We wish the members a successful term.

If you would like to know more about the functions of Student Councils on Anguilla, please contact the Department of Youth and Culture by emailing the Programme Officer – Youth,